Brought to you by Newspeak and Exapno, The New Music Bake Sale is delicious event featuring live performances, bountiful beverages, merchandise, revelry, buffoonery, tomfoolery, and of course …plenty of baked goods.
All your favorite up-and-coming New York New Music Ensembles come together under one roof. Live performances delight us all day while we snack and smile. Local musicians and orgs each have tables to sell their wares – from CDs to cupcakes. It’s a chance for each group to raise both funds and awareness in the community.
- 2012 New Music Bake Sale. Photo by Isabelle Selby
Interested in having your own table?
Come show the (Brooklyn) world what you’re all about! $22 buys your ensemble/org/new-music-awesome-thing a shared table space and free admission for up to 2 table organizers. All proceeds from your table-business goes directly back to you! To reserve your spot, (or with any questions), contact us at email hidden; JavaScript is required
Bake Sale Committee
Kevin Clark
Lainie Fefferman
David T. Little
Eileen Mack
Matt Marks
J. Ross Marshall
Jascha Narveson
Bake Sale Emeritus
Mellissa Hughes
James Moore
Peter Wise
- Bake Sale Committee: Matt Marks, Lainie Fefferman, Kevin Clark, David T. Little, Eileen Mack, Jascha Narveson, and Ross Marshall