
Your support helps make the New Music Bake Sale possible. If you would like to sponsor the 2014 New Music Bake Sale, please contact Kevin Clark.

Lead Sponsor: $500

Your name and logo will be listed as lead sponsors on the New Music bake Sale website, social media, and printed materials. You will also be provided with a table at the Bake sale, pending availability, should you desire one. Most importantly, you will receive a great measure of undying gratitude from the Bake Sale organizers and the new music community.

Sponsor: $250

Your name and logo will be listed as a sponsor on the New Music Bake Sale website, social media, and printed materials. You will also be provided with a table at the Bake Sale, pending availability, should you desire one. Most importantly, you will receive the undying gratitude of the Bake Sale organizers and the new music community.


Sponsors will be listed publicly only once their donations have been received. All donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable by law.

Every contribution helps make this event a success. If you are unable to be a sponsor or lead sponsor, but still want to support the bake sale, please be in touch, and we’ll figure out the right way to proceed.

Thanks so much, and see you on March 16th!